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How the FreeHands idea was born

... well, from a joke ...

FreeHands was born by chance, thanks to a joke made to me by friends, who, to make fun of me, gave me a "men's handbag", as they knew that I would never buy it because until then I had always associated the handbag like a women's accessory.

For me it was a big news to have to wear it for a week, as they forced me to.
I would never have believed in the change that it would soon have brought about in my way of being and thinking.
I wore it and it immediately gave me a good feeling, I no longer had swollen pockets from my wallet and keys, I felt freer and lighter, but at the same time, it made me uncomfortable.

How uncomfortable this bag that always slips!

I waged a real war, with the "bag", because it slipped along my shoulder and I had to constantly reposition it.
Raising the shoulder was the only way to keep it from slipping and this compromised my posture, making me look like the "Hunchback of Notre-Dame" in the eyes of the people.
Carrying it over my shoulder gave me other types of discomfort, I could not wear an open jacket, because he raised the chest of my garment, making me an awkward person and not cared for in dressing.

What can I do to solve this discomfort?

At that point, looking around and observing the people, I realized that everyone had the same problem as me and I asked myself: is it possible that to date, no one has thought of solving this problem?
I said: either I'll invent something, or I'll throw away the "purse" ....
All of this happened in 2015.

And lo and behold, the idea of FreeHands matured ...

The FreeHands idea led me to conceive and build hundreds of prototypes by doing as many tests and design tests, to make the product practical and comfortable to wear, but also pleasant to look at.
Shortly thereafter I took the " Patent ", and I was invited to participate in the " Fair of Inventions " in Venice in 2016, with my own stand.
Many, intrigued by the novelty, urged me to go ahead to bring this new idea to the bottom, to make it known to the world.

And here I am, today I'm here to offer you my dream come true ....